Free 3D Model: Tutorials
Showing posts with label Tutorials. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tutorials. Show all posts

Modeling Plant with 3ds Max Part 1

3ds max tutorial
3ds Max Tutorial

  Hai everyone, in this tutorial we will learn how to create palm plant , first we will model the plant pot and make the leaves, then add the textures to the model.
  I allready have the texture, this was the perfect one to start with, at the end of this tutorial you will be able to create any kind of opacity based plants, to start this tutorial you should have intermediate knowledge of 3ds Max, and also you will be needing these textures or you are more than welcome to use your owns. You can download the texture by click here. Let's start guys.

1. Open 3ds max and start with a Cylinder the settings are shown on the image below ( fig.1 ), you would be needing extra edges to shape this vase.

3ds max basic object

2. Convert the Cylinder to an Editable Poly, and then shape it as showing on the image (fig.2).


3. Select the top face and then use your Inset operation to give it a thickness.


4. Use the Bevel operation to shape it something like on the image showing.


5. To create the mud surface of the pot, still with the top face selected hold Shift on the keyboard and move up in the Z Axis and then choose Clone to Object operation and hit OK, this willgive you an independent polygon which we can use it as out pot mud surface, Scale it to fit the gap.

Fig. 5

6. At the moment we are done with the plant pot, its time to create the leaves. See you Part 2

Creating V-Ray Glossy Material

v-ray glossy material tutorial

         In this simple and quick tutorial I’m gonna show you how to creating a glossy v-ray material, I use 3ds max 9 and V-Ray 1.5. Let’s go the step 1.

1. Create a new V-Ray Material.

v-ray glossy material tutorial

2. Change the ‘Diffuse’ color to what ever you want, in this tutorial I turn it to red. Activate the ‘Background’ button.

v-ray diffuse color

3. Change the ‘Reflect’ color to white, click box button beside the reflect color box, then choose ‘Falloff’. See the figure below (Fig.3).

reflection v-ray material

4. Leave the falloff parameter by default, then back again to main material.

fall off v-ray material

5. Change these parameter, change the ‘Hilight glossiness’ value and turn up the ‘Subdivs’ value to get a smooth material.

v-ray glossy material tutorial

6.  Now we have this material, it's fully gloss.

v-ray glossy material tutorial

7.  That's it..thanks all.

Rendering a realistic object using V-Ray

rendering realistic object using v-ray

            This tutorial will explain you to render a realistic object with simple way and less render time. I use 3ds max 9 and V-Ray 1.5. Let’s go the step 1.

1.On top viewport, go to Create tab, click geometry and create a plane. Set its parameter Length:140, Width:140 and all segment is 4. 

3ds max object plane
Fig. 01

2.Now place the object you want to render. You can use a teapot or another object here, but I already have this beautiful vase flower to render, if you agree with me, you can get the vase flower <here>, it's already materialized. We need a glossy material for the object to catch a reflection, so if you use a teapot for the object to render, give the teapot a glossy material. You can go <here> to know how to make a V-Ray glossy material.

best v-ray render studio
 Fig. 02

3.Now go to front viewport, create a V-Ray light. Change the ‘Multiplier’ value to 8 and change the ‘Color’ into a light cyan. Name it ‘LIGHT1’ See the figure below (Fig.03).

creating v-ray light
 Fig. 03

4.Back to Top viewport, move the ‘LIGHT1’ to it’s position, then rotate it around of 45 degree.See the figure below (Fig.04). 

modifying v-ray light
 Fig. 04

5.Create another light that opposite to LIGHT1, name it LIGHT2 and change the parameters. Set the ‘Multiplier’ value to 3, change the light ‘Color’ to ‘White’.

best v-ray rendering setting
 Fig. 05

6.Still on top viewport, create a ‘TargetCamera’, make the the target camera is almost rectangular with these two ‘LIGHTS’. See the figure below (Fig.06). 

v-ray camera setting
 Fig. 06

7.Now go to ‘Perspective’ viewport, right clicking on it and apply the ‘Camera01’ view.

3ds max perspective viewport
Fig. 07

8.Go to ‘Front’ viewport, modify the ‘TargetCamera’ view by moving up the camera and the camera target too. Change the ‘Lens’ of the camera value to 50. Keep modifying the camera target until you have the best perspective view.

v-ray camera setting
Fig. 08

9. Hit render to test the render result. Here’s in Fig.9 below is my result. As you can see that the background is dark and the land is not reflecting the object. 

best result v-ray rendering

10. Now we’re gonna change the background in to gray. In 3ds Max main menu, choose “Rendering’ tab and click ‘Environment’. Change the background color into Gray. 

v-ray background image setting

11. Next step is creating a glossy land with a gradient overlay. It’s can do by applying the glossy v-ray material to the plane object as a glossy land. You can get the material <here>. Next tutorial I’m gonna show you how to make this material. After change the background color and applying the land material here’s my result below.

v-ray glossy floor material

12. Now we’re gonna change the V-Ray default render setting for more realistic result. Go to‘Render Scene’ (F10), click ‘Renderer’ tab menu and change some render parameter. I just turn on the GI, turn on the ‘Environment’ and change the value of ‘rQMC Sampler’. 

the best v-ray rendering setting

13. After doing a render setting, render again the scene and you should see the result below. Sure you can do another render setting experiment to get the best result.

realistic v-ray rendering object

14. Have a question or still confused? You can leave a comment below or learn from the complete scene, you can get it <here>. Thanks for read, and keep visiting my blog. Gracias!

Poly Modifier 'Hinge From Edge'

3ds max hinge from edge

     'Hinge From Edge' is one of editable poly modifier, It's essentially an extrusion with rotation, with one exception: If the hinge edge belongs to a selected polygon, that side is not extruded. The manual 'Hinge From Edge' version of  works only with an existing polygon selection. In this tutorial, i'll show how it works, let's go to step 1.

1. Create a 'Box', set its parameters. Length:160, Width:28, Height:28, Length Segs:8 and the rest is by 3ds max default.

3ds max box
Fig. 01

2. Convert the box to an 'Editable Poly' by right clicking it and select 'Convert to Editable Poly'.

3ds max editable poly

3. Select the poly and go to 'Modify' tab, turn on the 'Polygon' selector. Select one polygon at the corner.

3ds max polygon selector
Fig. 03

4. Scroll down and expand the 'Edit Polygon' menu. Select the 'Hinge From Edge' modifier and click the setting button, its gonna pop up the 'Hinge Polygon From Edge' panel.

3ds max edit polygon

5. On the  'Hinge Polygon From Edge' panel, click the 'Pick Hinge' button and move your mouse pointer to choose the desired edge to use it as a hinge.

3ds max hinge from edge

6. Click 'Apply' button six times.

editable poly modifier
Fig. 06

7. Below is explanation about this modifier.
Angle : Quantifies the rotation about the hinge. You can hinge selected polygons outward or inward,          depending on whether the value is positive or negative. 
Segments : Specifies the number of polygons into which each extruded side is subdivided. This setting also  applies to manually hinged polygons. 
Current Hinge : Click Pick Hinge, and then click an edge to be the hinge. After you designate a hinge, the “Pick Hinge” button text is replaced with “Edge #” where # is the ID number of the hinge edge. 
All subsequent hinge operations created via the dialog will use this hinge. To hinge multiple polygons, each from one of its own sides, you must reselect the hinge each time. 
Apply    : Applies the settings to the current selection, retaining them if you then make another selection. 
OK        : Applies the settings to the current selection and closes the dialog. 
Cancel  : Closes the dialog without applying the settings to the current selection. Does not reverse previous uses of Apply. 

3ds max modeling tutorial

8. That's it, thanks for reading, keep visiting my blog.

Creating A Plastic Chair with 3Ds Max Pt.2

creating a chair using 3ds max

Hi.. this is the the < Part 2 > of this tutorial, if you missed the < Part 1 >, just click < here >.

9.Go to 'Perspective' view, change the 'Vertex' selector in to an 'Edges' selector, then select these edges (See Fig. 09). You can do it by select one edges, then hit 'Loop', so you don't have to select the edges one by one.

making chair 3d

10.Scroll down and pop up the 'Edit Edges' tab, then select 'Chamfer'. Chamfer these selected  'Edges' with an amount 0.5 one times.

basic 3ds max modeling tutorial
Fig. 10

11.Go to 'Right' view, on a 'Modifier List' drop down menu select 'FFD 4x4x4' modifier.

3ds max modeling
Fig. 11

12. Modify the 'FFD 4x4x4' control points by move it up and down, right and left, until we have this shape. See Fig.12.

3ds max FFD modeling
Fig. 12

13.Convert to an editable poly and apply the 'Turbosmooth' modifier with 'Iteration' 1.

modeling a chair with 3ds max
Fig. 13

14. That's the end of the part 2, see you at the part 3. In the part 3 we're gonna create the leg.

Creating Depth of Field using V-Ray ZDepth + Photoshop Pt2

3ds max depth of field tutorial 

Hi..this is the 'Part 2' of this tutorial, if you've missed the 'Part 1',  just click  ==>>here.

Welcome to part 2.. lets continue to step 7.

7. Open the 2nd JPG (the Zdepth JPG) in Photoshop.

depth of field rendering

8. Go to select menu, and click all. You can press 'Ctrl+A' to use a keyboard shortcut.

3ds max DOF
Fig. 02.

9. After selecting the full image (Ctrl+A), go to ‘Edit’ menu, and click ‘Copy’. You can press ‘Ctrl+C’ to use a keyboard shortcut.

DOF 3ds max tutorial
Fig. 03.

10. Open the first JPG , then go to 'Channel' tab. On the ‘Channel’ tab, click the ‘Create new channel’  button.

depth of field rendering
Fig. 04.

11. As you can see in Fig.05, the new channel is  automatically named as ‘Alpha 1’.

3d rendering tutorial
Fig. 05.

 12. Now ‘Paste’ or press 'Ctrl V' the 'Zdepth' image that has been copied above in Step 9 to 'Alpha 1' channel.

3ds max rendering tutorial
Fig. 06.

13. Turn off the Alpha 1 channel and select the RGB, Red, Green and Blue Channel, then go to ‘Filter’ tab. 'Filter' tab is on ‘Photoshop’ main menu bar.

DOF effect 3ds max
Fig. 07.

 14. On the ‘Filter’ menu, choose ‘Blur’ and select the sub menu ‘Lens Blur’.

rendering with depth of field effect
Fig. 08.

 15. Changes the ‘Lens Blur’ parameters. Do some experiment in modifying the parameters to get the best result you want. Click ‘OK’ and it’s done.

depth of field 3ds max tutorial
Fig. 09.

 16. Well done, see you again next tutorial.