Modeling Plant with 3ds Max Part 1 - Free 3D Model

Modeling Plant with 3ds Max Part 1

3ds max tutorial
3ds Max Tutorial

  Hai everyone, in this tutorial we will learn how to create palm plant , first we will model the plant pot and make the leaves, then add the textures to the model.
  I allready have the texture, this was the perfect one to start with, at the end of this tutorial you will be able to create any kind of opacity based plants, to start this tutorial you should have intermediate knowledge of 3ds Max, and also you will be needing these textures or you are more than welcome to use your owns. You can download the texture by click here. Let's start guys.

1. Open 3ds max and start with a Cylinder the settings are shown on the image below ( fig.1 ), you would be needing extra edges to shape this vase.

3ds max basic object

2. Convert the Cylinder to an Editable Poly, and then shape it as showing on the image (fig.2).


3. Select the top face and then use your Inset operation to give it a thickness.


4. Use the Bevel operation to shape it something like on the image showing.


5. To create the mud surface of the pot, still with the top face selected hold Shift on the keyboard and move up in the Z Axis and then choose Clone to Object operation and hit OK, this willgive you an independent polygon which we can use it as out pot mud surface, Scale it to fit the gap.

Fig. 5

6. At the moment we are done with the plant pot, its time to create the leaves. See you Part 2